
Streamlines Organizational Process for Employees And Managers.

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A Brief Introduction

People-i is a comprehensive solution for efficient organization management. It goes beyond the basics, offering a wide array of features that cover everything from location tracking and task management to salary and expense management. With capabilities akin to an ERP system, People-i is designed to elevate and simplify the way organizations handle their operational processes.


Challenges That We Faced at the Start

The client came to us with a basic application that required further work to make it a sound product. The requirements were to add additional functionalities to enhance the core principles of the app, i.e., Human Resources. It lacked the general features for the employees, such as salary, task, travel, and attendance management.

Expand the app’s overall functionalities

While competent enough, the initial app lacked several features to make it a sound and dependable HR product. The team had to define new features and functionalities to make it a market-leading HR platform.


Our Solution

The team aimed to develop new and unique features to add to the existing functions and expand the app’s overall capabilities. It meant taking inspiration from the market giants and developing features like expense, travel, leave, and attendance management for the employees. The team also worked on introducing salary and task management for the HR and Line Managers to facilitate smoother organizational functions.

  • Expense management

    This module allows employees to track and manage their expenses efficiently within the app.

  • Travel management

    The team introduced a module dedicated to managing travel-related tasks, such as applying for travel approvals, etc.

  • Leave management

    It aims to simplify applying for and managing leaves, providing employees with a streamlined approach.

  • Attendance management with Spoofing Protection

    The team built an attendance management module that ensures accurate employee attendance tracking. Spoofing protection measures have been implemented to enhance security and prevent fraudulent activities.

  • Salary management

    It facilitates the management in handling employee salaries, like generating salary slips and providing access to salary history. Additionally, graphical representations provide a more comprehensive view of the salary information.

  • Task management

    The team devised a geolocation-based task management module that enables efficient task assignment and monitoring. Both the employee and the Line Manager can track live locations, ensuring effective task management and supervision.

Excellent Features that Shape People-i

Our developers studied market status and audience response to understand and create a one-of-a-kind solution. Each feature adds to the app's quality and creates a cohesive environment. This enables users to interact with People-i and exploit its capabilities freely. The mobile app is divided into four portals, a subset of the web app that comprises 14 outlets.

  • portfolio-grid-banner
    Employee Portal

    This allows users to create applications for Leaves, Expense Reimbursement, or Travel and mark their attendance using geo-location. Users can also see a detailed attendance record and leave history for previous months.

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    Line Manager Portal

    It allows users to approve any applications created by their team, view the times and locations where they have marked their attendance, and view detailed reports and statistics.

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    HR Portal

    This portal allows users in your HR department to view and approve applications for all employees and view consolidated reports and statistics.

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    Admin Portal

    This portal allows your admin team to execute administrative processes arising from any of the aforementioned applications.

The Services We Provided

The team required an out-of-the-box thought methodology when working on People-i. We employed our world-class services to bring out the best in the app and create a market-leading product to serve the masses.

ui-ux services
App Development
Project services
Project Management
Deploy services
maintain services

Project Milestones We Achieved

The team put up a massive effort to create innovative solutions for the app that would further be applied in future app development.

Requirement Gathering

Our development team collaborated intensively with the People-i team to understand the fundamental goals of the application.


1-2 Month

Team Members

Business Analyst and QA

App Development

As the work began, the developers built various aspects and features within the deadline.


1 year

Team Members

Expert Developers

App Testing

The QA team thoroughly tested every aspect our developer built to ensure it was market ready.


1-2 months

Team Members

Expert Developers

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Tech Stack

Our team employed state-of-the-art tools and technologies to upgrade the app into a sophisticated and user-friendly platform. Leveraging the power of Swift, Kotlin, and more, we ensured a seamless user experience, robust functionality, and future-proof scalability. Every line of code and every integration reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in app development.

Android app

Our Android team embarked on a mission to redefine the mobile app landscape. They relied on the latest tech to create a stable native app.

  • Java
  • Kotlin

iOS app

The team has delved deep into the world of iOS app innovation to craft a solution that goes beyond the ordinary.

  • Swift
  • UIKit

Quality Assurance

The quality assurance team spent dedicated hours to test the app thoroughly and share its view with the developers for a perfect app.

  • Selenium

The Result

People-i is among the most successful employee management platforms in the market. It offers sound functionalities to the employer and employee to manage and execute their duties without compromise. With sound features like expense, travel, leave, attendance management, etc., People-i is a versatile tool for organizational tasks. It is a proficient tool that integrates into the existing system of a business and offers a common ground for all the users to communicate.

For iOS
iOS 15.8 +
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For Android
Android 8.0 +
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